Thursday, February 7, 2008

Long Drive analysis

I chose to add two video's because I found that the first wasn't very good as far as demonstrating aspects of filming, yet I still like the clip. So, I am going to discuss elements of film solely from the Long Drive Clip. As far as the point of view goes, this clip is neutral. This scene also combines the long shot with a medium shot and then an extreme long shot. It also touches up on a brief low angle shot when Happy is about to hit the ball and a subtle high angle shot when the ball is in the air. Also the most noticeable element of film of the clip was the speed of motion. First the speed of the ball in the air is followed and is sped up. Then, when Happy is about to hit his shot, the camera speed slows down to slow-motion. When the ball is hit the camera movement is in a crane mode. Overall this clip demonstrates many different aspects of filming.

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